When working with the app template, how Do I keep the backend Quarkus Version up to date, at last withinit's release? Example: I've created an empty superson...
2 years ago
Das ist eher eine Quarkus Frage. Wir haben eine externe Restclient, die über ein zweite Keycloak daten anbietet, die ich konsumieren muss. Soweit ich sehe si...
Hello, I wanted to try a new application with the latest co-supersonic template 1.3.0, but I get the following error, when I launch the app: 2022-09-12 11:05...
Hello, I created a local application co-loc-test based on the latest archetype. It works well locally. When I deploy it, it doesn't load. The angular js file...
Once a local app is deployed, what is the URL of the Swagger ui and Health UI? How do I access the backend APIs and health liveness and readiness URLs?
Hello, I notice that I am unable to change the language for my app at localhost. Though nothing has changed in my application, the language change option is ...
2 years ago
With Postman I am able to get a valid access token for my local app. I am using for co-loc-checkin-app-user with PKCE challenge. However when I send the requ...